Kartoffelhof GmbH / Heilmann AG


Horst Brammer
Kartoffelhof Nüssau GmbH

My name is Horst Brammer and I am the operations manager of Kartoffelhof Nüssau GmbH, a part of the Heilmann AG. Here in Schleswig-Holstein we grow 370 hectares of potatoes for consumption.

Potatoes of the highest quality

We produce potatoes in highest quality and sell them from our packing plant Heilmann AG. We sell potatoes in small packages to customers which means we sell small and uniformly potatoes. Due to that we decided for the first time this year to grow three rows in one bed to reach a better distribution of the plants. As told before, quality is most important in our business. We do not want to create tramlines in our beds, which means we drive with the sprayer above two beds with a track width of 3.6 meters. This also ensures a very stable boom and a very safe ride for the operator.

Trailed was not ideal for us

Three years ago we had to buy a new sprayer. We received a demonstration by Agrifac and were impressed by the stable boom balance. In the beginning we thought that the price was too high for us and a trailed sprayer could do the same. We found out this was not the case. We remembered Agrifac and decided to take an Endurance.

Less litres per hectare

At the moment we spray 200 litres per hectare and with a tank capacity of 8000 litres, we are able to spray 40 hectares with one load. Colleagues from the Netherlands told us that they spray with much less water but at the moment this is to0 risky for us and we will reduce it in steps. We plan to go from 200 to 180 liters and later to 150 litres, such a reduction would increase the efficiency of the machine dramatically

Asmuch as needed, but the least possible

In addition, one of our requirements is to use as much plant protection as needed but as little as possible. Fulfilling this requirement is only possible if the plant protection is distributed optimally on the field. With the Agrifac sprayer that is possible. With the HTA-System we are able to regulate the droplet size during operations, for example when wind is coming up we are able to make the droplets bigger in size and so we are not as sensitive to wind during these condition changes. 


The perfect working GPS-System avoids overlaps and we have nearly no spray liquid in the tank after spraying. That was the main point as to why we decided to invest in an Agrifac sprayer, additionally we are simply enthusiastic about the driving comfort, the easy operation and the boom stability. We also use the NoracSystem in our sprayer for the boom stability and it is working impeccable. The driver is able to do other important things and does not have to concentrate on the boom stability and that is fantastic.”

Learn More about Condor self-propelled crop sprayers


Condor crop sprayer
  • Every drop hits the right spot
  • 99,99% use of spray liquid
  • Less use of water
  • All benefits of a Condor

Condor WideTrack

Condor WideTrack crop sprayer
  • Maximum output
  • Maximum acreage
  • Spray tracks are no longer a problem
  • All benefits of the Condor

Condor Clearance

Condor Clearance crop sprayer
  • Ground clearance up to 2 metres
  • Ideal for sunflowers and maize crops
  • Spray booms height up to 440 cm
  • All benefits of a Condor

Condor MountainMaster

Condor MountainMaster crop sprayer

Condor MountainMaster

  • Take care of your crops on steep slopes
  • High ground clearance
  • This Condor remains perfectly stable at all axles
  • All benefits of a Condor
Learn more

Condor Endurance II

Condor Endurance II

  • Vytvořen pro maximální kapacitu a rychlost
  • J rampy jsou k dispozici až do 55 metrů
  • 8000 litrová nádrž
  • Získal ocenění Red dot Award 2019
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More user experiences

Vincent Coolbergen
Koninklijke Maatschappij de Wilhelminapolder

Koninklijke Maatschappij de Wilhelminapolder (KMWP) is the biggest agricultural company in the Netherlands north of the city of Goes, Zeeland. Recently they bought a Condor Endurance for their 1400 hectare arable farm, where they grow potatoes, onions, sugar beet, cereals and alfalfa

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Dave Jones
PDM Produce Ltd
United Kingdom

PDM Produce were the first company in the UK with the new 8000 litre Agrifac Endurance II machine, complete with a 54 metre boom.

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Frank de Schutter inspecting his crops in front of his Agrifac Condor WideTrack
Frank de Schutter, Westerhalm

"Now the first year, I already notice that we have 3% extra yield because of the Condor WideTrack. And with Agrifac Band spraying, we save about 60% in resources. "

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